Why and how are varicose veins in the uterus?

quam varicose veins in the uterus represents a great danger for the woman, especially if she is pregnant. The more often accompanied by a pathology quam varicose dilatation of the vessels of the lower limbs, on the lips, in the neck of the uterus and all the pelvic organs. When the mater quam varicose veins is broken the reflux of liquid blood. The pathology of the characteristic of the thinning of the walls of the veins in the uterus, the expansion of the lumen of the vessels and of the education nodular veins.

There are 2 types of quam varicose veins in the uterus:
  1. Acquisition of the form develops on the background of the difficult conditions for the vessels. Can be primary or secondary. In the second case, the cause is a gynecological disease of the direction.
  2. Congenital type occurs in the uterus of the mother or inherited.
The classification quam varicose veins of the uterus, according to the degree of severity:
  1. The first phase of development of the disease, vessel diameter increases up to 7 mm
  2. The second stage up to 8 mm thick, with the veins distorted.
  3. In the third phase, – a maximum of 13 mm is Accompanied by the formation of nodes.

Characteristics uterine quam varicose veins during pregnancy

During pregnancy quam varicose veins of the uterus is not often found, but may occur due to the increase of the uterus in size. This helps in obsessio of the circulatory system. And it is in this period is necessary for the circulatory system because the blood fluid provides the placenta and is directly the fruit of nutrients. If a woman carries a baby, the placenta and the fetus does not receive power, because of what develops in the deprivation of oxygen. You should know that in this period, disrupted hormones, as a result of which relax the walls of veins, and the valves do not work in the proper mode. This causes the development of quam varicose veins varicose veins in the uterus.

 varicose veins during pregnancy</1_img>

The causes of

The factors challenging the development of pathology, including:
  • the period of pregnancy, as well as pressures on the blood vessels;
  • excessive physical exercise, increase the flow of blood fluid in the uterus, which stretches from vienna;
  • constipation;
  • some hormone medications that contain estrogen, have a negative impact on the elastic properties of vessels;
  • otium women: because of the sedentary lifestyle form the stagnant effects;
  • curvi of the uterus;
  • a hormonal imbalance;
  • quam varicose veins in the uterus may develop on the background is not cured of the disease of inflammatory nature;
  • frequent abortion and artificial birth;
  • a hereditary predisposition;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle where the woman does not access the gynecologist;
  • gynaecological chronic pathology of character is to cause the development quam varicose veins expand blood vessels;
  • imperium indigentiam the receipt of contraception;
  • generic activities with the complications;
  • frequent pregnancy;
  • obesity, which is a pressure on the uterus.

The symptoms of the quam varicose veins of the uterus

The characteristic of the symptomatology does not exist, but the guess on the development, quam varicose veins in the uterus may be on the grounds:
  • the pain syndrome traiecto and character of the abdomen exactly as in the inflammatory processes;
  • the pain irradiet, in the region of the sacrum or lumbar;
  • strong pain syndromes in the course of the month;
  • the pain and discomfort during and after sexual contact;
  • a profusion of the vaginal discharge;
  • menstruation may take a long period of time, but globs of selection are insignificant;
  • the urination;
  • the pain may occur even after exercise and pos.
The symptoms of varicose veins of the uterus</2_img>

The diagnosis

If you notice the symptoms as much as possible varicose veins in the uterus, you should consult a gynecologist, who will be the chair gyncologique. Not necessarily need to go for blood tests. In addition, applied materials methods of diagnosis:

  • the ultrasound intravaginal: using the sensor input to the inside of the vagina, has assessed the state of the blood vessels;
  • for the detection of the degree of severity applies venography intra-uterine: the method is similar to x-rays, but it uses a contrast medium;
  • the laparoscopy;
  • ct scan;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • dopplerographic methods of research;
  • ultrasound.

If you do not treat quam varicose veins in the uterus, there are complications: infertility, ruptures of blood vessels, bleeding, inflammation, thrombosis, externus abdominis syndrome and other.The treatment quam varicose veins varicose veins in uterus The treatment quam varicose veins dilatation must be closely coordinated. Only in this way, you can achieve positive results. The therapy comprises the following components:

1. Drug therapy with the use of these drugs:
  • venarum of the tool, which is not only to strengthen the walls of veins, but to eliminate the inflammation and swelling. .
  • angioprotective drugs, thanks to which accelerates blood circulation, strengthens the blood vessels and decreases the permeability of the vein. They have antiexudativ effect.
  • drugs with an analgesic effect.
2. The receipt of a multivitamin complex. 3. Correction of the diet – a doctor prescribes a special diet, it is important to strictly adhere to. During the execution of the cases, surgical intervention. It is perhaps these methods:
  • Vascular resection. In this case, a control operation is performed using an endoscope.
  • Sclerotherapy, or embolization on ovarii vessels. In this case, introduces a solution, thanks to which decreases the thinning of quam varicose veins come from the uterus. Necessarily implemented an angiography – the examination of the uterus using a contrast medium.
  • Can be suppressed gonadal axis in vienna.
  • Hysterectomy amputetur the uterus.
  • Used sclerotherapy, in which the dead ships stick together.
  • Even a last cry of the method – the laser photocoagulation. With a laser, adurere, alteration of vienna.

The traditional recipes of therapy quam varicose veins of the uterus are to be applied as aids. They are quite effective and safe. Here are the best recipes:

  • The use of horse chestnut is quite justified, because the plant has a beneficial effect not only on the walls of the circulatory system, but also on the structure of blood. You can prepare a tincture in the house or buy it in any pharmacy. Tool not expensive, but effective. For the home, you will need the fruits or flowers of chestnut in an amount of 5 tablespoons. They pour a liter of food of alcohol diluted with water in a proportion of 50/50. Insist 7 days in a dark place. Periodically tool should be agitated. Then, the infusion through several layers of cheesecloth and take it inside of three times per day. Pour in a glass of water, put 30 drops of tincture, mix well. Then drink the tool. Consume preferably 20 to 30 minutes prior to the enactment of the food.
  • You can use floral party lilac and propolis. Flowers it takes 100 grams of propolis – 30. Mix the two ingredients and pour the bottle of quality vodka. Allow to stand for 30 days in a dark place. Drink 1 tablespoon three times per day before meals.
  • Nettle. You can use fresh or exaruit. About 200 ml of boiling water, you need to take a few tablespoons of herbs. Boil for 15 minutes in a water bath, once cooled, drain. Consume three times a day 100 ml
The traditional recipes of therapy</3_img>


The prevention measures for the prevention quam varicose dilatation of the vessels of the uterus are quite simple. They include the following activities:

  • Good nutrition, thanks to which the body can fight against any pathological process. Also a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins fully contributes to the saturation of the circulatory system. Therefore, the walls of veins are robust and resistant, and the blood have the normal structure.
  • No need to override the physical body. If you practice a sport, it does not lead to excessive fatigue. Do not wear gravity.
  • Don't let obesity control your weight.
  • Do not wear heavily covering the underwear.
  • Visit your gynecologist twice a year, even if you do not worry.

The prognosis of the quam varicose veins of the uterus is quite favorable, but only if appropriate to seek the assistance of a gynecologist and phlebologist. The integrated treatment allows you to find quickly and effectively solve a wicked problem.